
Troubleshooting Font Family Issues in React Native

react native font


React Native is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript. It allows developers to create native mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms, making it efficient and convenient. One essential aspect of app development is styling, including the selection of appropriate font families to enhance the app’s aesthetics and readability. However, developers often encounter issues related to font family implementation in React Native. In this article, we will explore how to add font families in React Native, provide a list of commonly used font families with examples, and discuss potential solutions for font family issues that may arise.

Adding Font Families in React Native

To add custom font families in React Native, you need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Obtaining Font Files

First, you need to obtain the font files you wish to include in your project. Fonts are typically available in TTF (TrueType Font) or OTF (OpenType Font) formats. You can either download fonts from reputable sources or use licensed fonts that you have access to.

Step 2: Creating a “Fonts” Directory

Next, create a new directory named “fonts” within your React Native project’s root directory. This directory will store all the font files you obtained in Step 1.

Step 3: Linking Font Files

To make the font files accessible to your React Native project, you need to link them. Open the terminal, navigate to your project’s root directory, and execute the following command:


npx react-native link


This command will automatically link the font files from the “fonts” directory to your project.

Step 4: Configuring Font Family in App

Now that the font files are linked, you can configure the font family in your React Native app. Open the react-native.config.js file in your project’s root directory and add the following code:


module.exports = {

  assets: [‘./fonts/’],



This configuration ensures that the font files in the “fonts” directory are recognized by the React Native app.

Step 5: Registering Fonts

To register the font files, open the App.js file (or any other appropriate component file) and add the following code:


import { Fonts } from ‘./Fonts’;

// Inside the component

Fonts.forEach((font) => {




This code imports the Fonts object, which contains the font family declarations, and registers them using the Font.loadAsync() function.

Using Font Families in React Native

Once you have added and registered the font families in your React Native project, you can apply them to your app’s components. Here is a list of commonly used font families along with examples:

Roboto: This popular font family is widely used for its clean and modern look. To apply Roboto font family to a Text component, use the following style:


<Text style={{ fontFamily: ‘Roboto’ }}>Hello, World!</Text>


Open Sans: Open Sans is a versatile font family known for its legibility. To apply Open Sans font family to a Text component, use the following style:


<Text style={{ fontFamily: ‘Open Sans’ }}>Welcome to React Native!</Text>


Montserrat: Montserrat is a trendy font family often used for headings and titles. To apply Montserrat font family to a Text component, use the following style:


<Text style={{ fontFamily: ‘Montserrat’, fontWeight: ‘bold’ }}>

  React Native Font Family Example



Remember to replace the font family names with the ones you have added and registered in your project.

Troubleshooting Font Family Issues

While adding and using font families in React Native is generally straightforward, issues may occasionally arise. Here are some common problems developers may encounter:

Font Family Not Applied: If the font family doesn’t seem to apply to the Text component, ensure that you have correctly linked the font files and registered them using Font.loadAsync(). Also, double-check that you are using the correct font family name when applying the style.

Fallback to Default System Font: If the desired font family isn’t available on the device or hasn’t been linked properly, React Native falls back to the default system font. To mitigate this issue, verify that the font files are correctly placed in the “fonts” directory and that the linking process was successful.

Platform-Specific Font Issues: Occasionally, font rendering may differ between iOS and Android platforms. Make sure to test your app on both platforms and adjust font sizes and styles accordingly to maintain consistency.

Caching Font Files: React Native’s Font.loadAsync() function caches font files to avoid unnecessary loading operations. However, this can lead to issues when updating font files. To address this, consider modifying the cache strategy or clearing the font cache during development.


Font family selection plays a crucial role in enhancing the aesthetics and readability of mobile applications developed with React Native. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can add custom font families to your React Native projects effectively. Additionally, understanding and troubleshooting react native font family issues will help you overcome challenges that may arise during development. With a wide range of font families available and the ability to customize styling, React Native provides developers with the necessary tools to create visually appealing and engaging mobile applications.

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